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GOOD PUPPY is dedicated to creating tools for early learning designed to better family dynamics, improve communication, cultivate social skills, eliminate stress and anxieties, grow understanding, raise self-awareness and promote an empathetic code of ethics.


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The GOOD PUPPY® brand is a registered trademark of Go Gnomo, LLC, a creative group established in 2012.

Roger Good, GOOD PUPPY himself, was born in Florida, during the quiet days that followed the traumatic events of 2001. Roger was born from pencil on paper; fresh, innocent, ignorant and a little gullible. He had seen nothing; and his candid wide-eyed innocence resonated with the times.

Roger quickly became our design group’s mascot, the face and voice of the group. You could find him on the website, standing on his soap box, or running from studio to studio giving clients a hilarious tour of the group’s work and capabilities. He was also featured on business cards, estimates, invoices and at the very bottom of every email that went out.

Roger was so beloved by clients, that he was given opportunities to freelance for other brands. For ten years, Roger conducted the Sunday Run Sale for the Invicta Watch Group. He had his own comic strip in their weekly newsletter and was eventually featured on the back-case of a limited edition watch compilation named after him, The Invicta Watch Puppy Collection.

Roger loved seeing himself etched on the back of those giant shiny wristwatches. So much that, in 2013, he established GOOD PUPPY BOOKS, where he stood even taller, literally standing on three thick books, on the back cover of children’s picture books designed to aid with early learning challenges. Roger was thrilled! He chewed on those books like they were made of bacon! But our puppy didn’t stop there.

Naturally, Roger loves to play. So, in 2014, GOOD PUPPY GAMES launched with DIG, a simple but challenging, retro-inspired endless runner game. Dig was later followed by Roger’s favorite memory game, TOTAL RECALL. Shortly after that, Roger was taken for an infinite run on SPACE WALK. Needless to say that he loved it! But after what may have been the result of too many mystery movies, Roger snuck into the Basement to bring us CLUELESS.

Now, we blame the darkness of The Basement, for Roger’s insistence on a Night Light, which launched GOOD PUPPY APPS. Roger now keeps a little camp fire burning through the night for all children who are afraid of the dark; you just download your GOOD PUPPY NIGHTLIGHT and bring your silent companion home for the night!

Roger loved his APPS & GAMES. He was truly happy. But just when we all thought the puppy would take a nap, and maybe let us take a vacation, he happened to overhear a conversation; and then another, and another; and every single one of those phone calls were coming from concerned parents who were having trouble with their children’s behavior.

The calls were being made to Gabriel Tito, a family therapist and Roger’s uncle, who would stop by the studio for coffee when working in the area. Roger wanted to help… and that’s all it took to drag the entire group down this puppy hole.

What begun as a search for the right tools to affect child behavior, quickly turned into the development of tools. What initially started as color coding, eventually grew into the development of an empathetic and inclusive child cognitive behavioral system for home, school and therapy.

So, if you see our puppy napping, it only looks like he’s resting! He’s probably dreaming up ways to turn early learning challenges into opportunities to grow strong children with a healthy code of ethics. You know, what puppies really dream of, more empathetic best friends.